KINTSUGI is the Japanese art of REPAIRING broken pottery with gold and lacquer. It is the PHILOSOPHY that SOMETHING BROKEN can be re-made...

Those Things That Go AWOL ....
Quite a few things went missing when I was undergoing treatment for breast cancer – aside from the obvious: that breast that was once on...

"Goodbye, girlfriend. Thank you. I love you."
Quite possibly, it’s the most intimate conversation I’ve ever had, saying “Goodbye” to my breast. My good friend, Lindsey, suggested it....

Surrounded by my herd, lifted by love ...
The date my surgeon chose to remove my breast couldn't have been more perfect. It was World Elephant Day. Wait … what?? (you’re reading...

Conversations I'd rather not have ~
“I have this dodgy little thing, just on the side … here,” I tell my youngest child, waving my hand vaguely around one side of my chest....

Monsters in My Wardrobe
There are monsters in my wardrobe. It was two o’clock in the morning when I first realised they were there - one week after I was...
Hey, sister - I won't break your heart, but I'm going to give it a little rattle ...
It’s a bit of a cliché, isn’t it? - “I don’t want to alarm you, but … ” People often start a sentence that way. And then they slam-dunk a...

Pardon my 'swears,' but it's MY battle - and I'm all about winning ...
I named the tumours. Well, two of them. The third one was so tiny, the radiologist referred to it as ‘foci’ and nothing more was said...